1111 E Ocean Ave Suite 11
Lompoc, CA 93436


added on: February 28, 2022

We’re nearing the two-year mark since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and while the virus attacks the respiratory system, it can also affect other areas throughout the body, including the mouth. Those who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered may have little to no lingering side effects. However, others may… Read More…

added on: February 15, 2022

Buying a toothbrush can be a confusing process. Just consider how many rows and rows of brightly colored toothbrushes are at your local supermarket, each one claiming to give you the best clean or other promises of great oral health. If you’re not sure what you’re looking for, choosing a… Read More…

added on: January 27, 2022

Do you use an electric toothbrush or do you stick with the manual kind? If you haven’t tried an electric toothbrush, you may be wondering whether the extra expense is worth it in the long run. Truthfully, there can be some pros and cons to each type of toothbrush, and… Read More…

added on: January 18, 2022

If you ask any doctor or dentist in Lompoc, you’ll probably hear them say that it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet, including fruits and vegetables. These healthy foods are high in nutrients that can help keep your body in tip-top shape. However, could it be true that something so… Read More…

added on: December 30, 2021
smiling woman at dentist

Are you missing a tooth or maybe multiple teeth? You’re not alone! Your dentist in Lompoc and the American College of Prosthodontists say that more than 36 million Americans do not have any teeth, and about 120 million people are missing at least one tooth. How does it happen? Why… Read More…

added on: December 20, 2021
woman about to brush teeth

Have you ever heard of tonsil stones? Your Lompoc dentist thought it might be a good idea to shed some light on this often overlooked health issue. Let’s talk a little about what exactly it means to have tonsil stones and how you can help yourself at home should they… Read More…

added on: November 29, 2021

From cosmetic reasons to health concerns, there are many different reasons why someone may want to straighten their teeth. Even if you had braces growing up, you may have noticed some shifting, especially if you didn’t wear a retainer after treatment. But you’re looking for ways to get a straighter… Read More…

added on: November 11, 2021

According to the American Dental Association, quitting smoking has been shown to improve oral health in several important ways. Perhaps most importantly, your teeth and gums may become healthier. If you’re trying to kick the habit, join your dentist in Lompoc as we share some ways quitting can help improve your… Read More…

added on: October 28, 2021

As we head into the cooler months, it’s normal to think about reducing the likelihood of you or your family getting the common cold, the flu, or of course, COVID-19. But should you also be concerned with catching a cavity? Are cavities contagious like a cold? Thankfully, your dentist in… Read More…

added on: October 19, 2021

Your dental insurance policy probably has a limited amount of time until it expires, which means you’re going to want to make sure you use your benefits with your dentist in Lompoc before they’re gone forever. Each insurance has different time frames for when the policies expire, so make sure… Read More…

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