When it comes to great oral health, you’ll often hear your dentist in Lompoc talk a lot about proper brushing and the importance of doing it every day. But there’s a good chance your dental team also talks to you about why you should be flossing every day. And with… Read More…
There’s nothing quite like hopping in a cool swimming pool during these hot summer days. It’s relaxing, it’s fun, and it’s good for you! Swimming is a summer favorite for the team at our Lompoc dental office, but there are a few things we want to warn you about when… Read More…
Extracting wisdom teeth is an incredibly common procedure. In fact, over 90% of Americans have their wisdom teeth removed. While there are some occasions when wisdom teeth surgery isn’t necessary, more often than not, it’s recommended to prevent additional problems and pain in the future. Let’s take a look at… Read More…
Your dental care isn’t only about your teeth. Your gums also play a key role in not only the health of your mouth but also the health of your body. At our dental office in Lompoc, we care for your entire mouth and are always on the lookout for gum… Read More…
Finding out that you’re pregnant is one of life’s most joyous (and scary) events you can endure. Everyone at our dental office in Lompoc wants to send plenty of well wishes to all of the parents out there who are expecting a blessing of their own. We wanted to set… Read More…
An abscessed tooth is an infection that has worked its way deep into the tooth, the root, and even the bone. This causes pus to fill up the area, and it can be very painful. If left untreated, an abscess can cause serious problems or even require an extraction. That’s… Read More…