According to the American Dental Association, quitting smoking has been shown to improve oral health in several important ways. Perhaps most importantly, your teeth and gums may become healthier. If you’re trying to kick the habit, join your dentist in Lompoc as we share some ways quitting can help improve your… Read More…
As we head into the cooler months, it’s normal to think about reducing the likelihood of you or your family getting the common cold, the flu, or of course, COVID-19. But should you also be concerned with catching a cavity? Are cavities contagious like a cold? Thankfully, your dentist in… Read More…
Your dental insurance policy probably has a limited amount of time until it expires, which means you’re going to want to make sure you use your benefits with your dentist in Lompoc before they’re gone forever. Each insurance has different time frames for when the policies expire, so make sure… Read More…
Once your wisdom teeth have been removed, it’s important to take good care of your mouth during recovery to minimize pain and speed up healing time. Even though wisdom teeth removal is usually a pretty straightforward procedure, it can still cause some pain and discomfort as you heal from the… Read More…
Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissues and can cause some unwanted side effects, such as your gums pulling away from the teeth. This can lead to deep pockets between your teeth and gums. Gum disease also makes your teeth more susceptible to tooth decay, and, if left… Read More…
Have you been searching for ways to get whiter teeth? Do you feel as though your teeth are stained from all the coffee and wine that you drink? Well, the good news is, there are plenty of ways to reverse staining to get whiter teeth. In fact, if you follow… Read More…
What’s the best way to freshen your breath? We’re glad you asked! August 6th is recognized as National Fresh Breath Day, and your dentist in Lompoc wants to take a closer look at what you can do to get that minty freshness all day long, as well as what may… Read More…
You might think that vaping is a safe alternative to smoking — and you wouldn’t be alone. Many former smokers, and even never-smokers, are turning to electronic cigarettes as a safer smoking option. But just how much safer is vaping than cigarettes? As it turns out, not much safer at… Read More…
Your dentist in Lompoc has always told you that you need to brush your teeth twice a day. But how important is that rule, really? The truth is, it’s pretty important to brush your teeth (and floss them!) every single day, twice a day, for two minutes. Skipping a brushing… Read More…
Losing a dental filling can be a scary experience, but your dentist in Lompoc wants to remind you not to panic. There are many reasons why a filling can become loose or completely fall out, and it’s important to seek treatment quickly. But other than that, what should you do… Read More…